Thursday, 4 April 2013

Female Commissar Miniatures

When I first noticed the female commissar model, Viktoria Skivlana, by Warforge I knew I had to get it. It's a great looking model with loads of detail and character.

It got me thinking about using several female Commissars in my Imperial Guard army to add a bit of character and something unique. After searching the web this is what I found:

Viktoria Skivlana
An excellent miniature that I have ordered myself. I believe it used to be available in resin but is now only available in metal. It can be bought from online stores such as and
Image Courtesy of Warforge

Games Workshop's Female Commissar
GW produced a limited edition female commissar for Games Day 1998. It's not the best female commissar model in my opinion but would still be a worthy addition to any army. They can usually be found on second hand sites such as EBay where they sell for around £25.00.

The Kurganova Sisters
These metal models produced by Raging Heroes are fantastic. There are three in total:
  • Kommander Malinka
  • Kapitan Ivanka
  • Admiral Olga 
They come with multiple weapon options, optional gas masks and can be brought separately or as a limited edition box set which includes their war bulldog, Charlie.
Image Courtesy of Raging Heroes
Edel and her Doberman
This metal model by Gaspez-Arts has a different feel to it when compared to the other female commissars. However I think it is a more realistic depiction of a female commissar, despite the skirt.
 Image Courtesy of Gaspez-Arts

Brother Vinni's Female Commissar
Brother Vinni has a resin female commissar. It's a nice miniature but some people may not like the exposed breasts. It is also worth noting that Brother Vinni has a very nice male commissar model.
  Image Courtesy of Brother Vinni

Commissar Vespera Venko
The final model is Commissar Vespera Venko by Statuesque Miniatures. This is another great model that comes with an optional gas mask. It would fit perfectly into a Death Korps of Krieg army.
Image Courtesy of Statuesque Miniatures

Overall there's plenty of great models to choose from. My favourites are Viktoria Skivlana and the Kurganova sisters. What's yours?

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