Monday, 29 April 2013

FAQ's April 2013

The new FAQ's are up so it's time to see what's changed for my armies.

Imperial Guard
Page 56 / 101 –
Valkyrie Assault Carrier – Scout Valkyrie Assault Carrier – Scout
Remove Scout from the Special Rules section of both the
Bestiary and Army List entries for the Valkyrie Assault Carrier
and Vendetta Gunship.

A minor update. The Scout rule didn't do anything anyway.

Page 71 – Other Equipment, Camo Cloak
Replace the second paragraph with “A model wearing a camo
cloak adds +1 to its cover save”.

Nothing new here.

Q: What Mastery Level is a Psyker Battle Squad? (p47)
A: Mastery Level 1.

Finally GW have decided to give PBS's a Mastery level. Unfortunately there is nothing about being able to take powers from the rule book. Thankfully they already have excellent powers anyway. It's a shame that each psyker doesn't count as Mastery Level 1 because then they might find a way into my lists more often. Imagine a Level 9 PBS!

Q: If an Imperial Guard army includes both Captain Al’Rahem and
Commander Chenkov, and a unit of Conscripts that is part of
Al’Rahem’s Infantry Platoon has purchased Commander Chenkov’s
‘Send in the Next Wave’ upgrade, does it re-enter play using Outflank
as per Captain Al’Rahem’s ‘Stalk the Enemy’ or move on from the
player’s board edge, as per Commander Chenkov’s ‘Send in the Next
Wave’? (p64/65).
A: In this instance, neither rule takes precedence – therefore
simply roll a dice for which rule applies as per ‘The Most
Important Rule’ on page 4 of the Warhammer 40,000

Finally an answer to this question. I was going to write a blog post about it but looks like GW beat me to the punch. Why it's taken so many years for an answer is beyond me. The IG codex came out in May 2009!

Blood Angels
No update.

Dark Angels
Page 28 –
Warlord Traits, Courage of the Lion
Change rule to “The Warlord, and all friendly units chosen
from Codex: Dark Angels within 12” of him, roll an additional
dice when taking Leadership tests (except Psychic tests),
discarding the highest”.

Only Dark Angels can benefit from this now and Psykers no longer benefit at all. 
Page 61 –
Stasis Anomaly
Change to read “Every model in a unit hit by one or more
weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 penalty to their
Weapon Skill and Initiative, to a minimum of 1, until the end
of the turn.”

Added 'to a minimum of one', so no change really.

Page 61 –
Vast Stasis Anomaly
Change to read “Every model in a unit hit by one or more
weapons with this special rule suffers a -3 penalty to its Weapon
Skill and Initiative, to a minimum of 1, until the end of the
turn. This replaces any penalty inflicted on a target by a Stasis
Anomaly (see left).”

Also added 'to a minimum of one'.

Page 64 –
Power Field Generator
Add “If the bearer is embarked upon a Transport vehicle, the
power field’s effects only apply to models embarked upon that

I'm glad I didn't buy a Land Raider and Techmarine to abuse this rule as it will no longer work. A massive debuff to anyone who was building their army around it.

Page 55 / 92–
Asmodai, WargearAdd “Bolt Pistol” to Asmodai’s wargear.

More lazy proofreading from GW.

Page 95 –
Deathwing Command Squad, Options
Change the fifth bullet point to:
“• Any Deathwing Terminator can replace his storm bolter and
power fist with:
- a pair of lightning claws ……………………………….free
- a thunder hammer and storm shield ………….5 pts

Changed 'all of his weapons' to 'his storm bolter and
power fist'.

Page 96
– Ravenwing Command Squad, options.
“• The Ravenwing Command Squad may purchase up to two
additional Ravenwing Black
Knights……………………………………………..40 pts / model”
Change the first bullet point to:
“• One Ravenwing Black Knight may take a banner from the
following list:
- Ravenwing Company Banner*...........................................
15 pts”
- Revered Standard................................................................
25 pts”
- Alternatively, the may take a banner from the
Sacred Standardssection of the wargear list.”

The command squad can now take additional bikers for increased survivability and the 'Relic banners' typo is replaced with 'Sacred Standards'.

Page 99 –
Deathwing Terminator Squad, Options
Change the second bullet point to:
“• Any model can replace his storm bolter and power fist
- a pair of lightning claws ……………………………….free
- a thunder hammer and storm shield ………….5 pts

Changed 'all of his weapons' to 'his storm bolter and
power fist'.

Q: Do units deploying via the Deathwing Assault special rule count
toward the limit of units you are allowed to keep in Reserves at the
start of a battle? (p44)
A: Yes.

A debuff for the deathwing that makes it even harder to do a pure Deathwing army.

Q: The Standard of Devastation states that ‘all friendly Codex:
Dark Angels units within 6” of the standard treat their boltguns as
Salvo 2/4 weapons’. Which boltguns does this apply to? (p66)
A: This applies to the standard boltgun (24” range, S4, AP5,
Rapid Fire), twin-linked boltguns on bikes, the bolter
component of combi-weapons, and hurricane bolters.
Confirmation that this works with hurricane bolters which is awesome. Unfortunately though, it looks like storm bolters don't get the bonus.
Chaos Space Marines
Page 42 –
Obliterators, Obliterator Weapons
Change the final sentence to “An Obliterator unit cannot
choose to fire the same weapon in two consecutive shooting

I guess this is because of the Puppet Master psychic power which makes you shoot at your own units.

Page 57 –
Abaddon the Despoiler, Mark of Chaos Ascendent
Add the following sentence “If Abaddon rolls Spawnhood or
Dark Apotheosis on the Chaos Boon Table, re-roll this result
(and any further results of the same). The Despoiler is not
meant for Daemonhood just yet!”

I like this because it makes sense fluff wise and if you've spent all those points on Abaddon there could be nothing worse than to see him turn into a Chaos Spawn.

Q: If a model rolls Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis on the Chaos Boon
Table, does it retain the effects of any Chaos Boon Table rolls that have
been applied to it so far during the game? (p29)
A: No.

This is a bit annoying but probably won't affect a game too much.

Q: If a Helbrute that is already Immobilised rolls Fire Frenzy, does
it lose an additional Hull Point? (p56)
A: No.

Phew! This helps out Helbrute's a bit. Hopefully we will see more of them on tabletops soon but I won't hold my breath. They are competing with  dirt cheap Terminators and cult troops in the elites slot.
Q: Is a model equipped with the Scrolls of Magnus that does not
begin the game as a Psyker, considered to have become a Psyker once
they acquire one or more additional psychic powers from the scrolls?
For example a Dark Apostle with the Mark of Tzeentch. (p69)
A: Yes, the model has the Psyker rule from that point
onward, and is considered to have Mastery Level 1.

The psyker now has Mastery Level 1 whereas in the previous FAQ they were just a psyker.

Dark Eldar
Page 49 – Lelith Hesperax –
The Penetrating Blade
Change the second sentence to “Her close combat attacks
ignore Armour Saves”.

Added 'close combat'.

Q: When allocating Wounds caused by a unit of Reaver Jetbikes
making a bladevanes, cluster caltrops and / or grav-talon attack, from
which direction is the attack considered to have originated? (p29)
A: Use the final position of the Reaver Jetbikes for Wound

This makes it much easier than doing random allocations. As a guard player I can say that when you have massive squads that you have to randomly allocate wounds to it can get very annoying and slows the game down.

Final Note
Unsurprisingly the new Tau codex has been FAQ'd already. Sort it out GW! Learn to proofread and play test properly!

FAQ information taken from Games Workshop FAQ's

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