Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Dark Angles Codex Errors

Image courtesy of Games Workshop

I finally managed to get my hands on the Dark Angels codex yesterday and while I can say it's a big improvement over the previous one, the editing is absolutely awful.

I can't believe quite how many errors there are in this book, most of which could have been spotted by a 3 year old. It's no surprise that an FAQ was released so soon. However it begs the question: How did GW let it get to print in it's current state if they knew there was so many issues with it?

It shows a complete lack of respect for their customers to charge them £30 for a book that needs a major FAQ because the unit entries have been cocked up.

For example, Azrael is missing his Bolt Pistol and Belial once again is missing his Iron Halo. At least until you check the FAQ's.

Then there is the Deathwing command Squad where the Special rule Split Fire has been repeated as have the lines 'upgraded to the Deathwing Champion' and 'Any Deathwing Terminator may replace'.

In the Ravenwing Command Squad entry they refer to the Sacred Standards as Relic Banners. The Darkshroud doesn't have Stealth and the Nephilim Jetfighter doesn't have Missile Lock either according to the FAQ's.

There are many other mistakes but perhaps the worst is with the Company Veterans. The entry looks almost like a copy and paste from the previous codex and in the codex only allows for 3 veterans to take a Storm Bolter, Combi-Weapon, Power Weapon, Lightning Claw, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist or a Pair of Lightning Claws. In the FAQ however ANY model can take one of them to replace their Boltgun. Also, the FAQ allows for Bolt Pistols to be replaced with Chainswords.

Overall the book is very good but the sheer amount of errors is disgraceful-particularly with the price tag. If GW had any credibility they would recall all of them and give customers new copies so they would not have the need to constantly refer to the FAQ. Obviously this will never happen though.

I hope this does not become a trend and GW don't rush subsequent books to print without checking them properly first.

Does anyone have any opinions on this? Am I being too harsh on GW?

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